Happy New Year, everyone. To start this new year, and new decade off, here's the first 5 pages of the upcoming Tales of The Fallen #6: ARCEE story. Artwork is by Alex Milne with colors by Josh Perez. Can't say how happy I was to be able to work with these two again.
This issue also features a new character I created named FLATLINE. He's a Decepticon medic, basically their version of Ratchet. While Ratchet may work to save lives, Flatline merely gets his soldiers operational again. Because as I'd like to think of him saying "to cease to serve, is to cease to function."
The story takes place after Reign of Starscream #5 and before the Alliance series. Set on a remote Decepticon outpost on a distant planet, Thundercracker is left thinking that he's one of a few Decepticons left. With the help of Flatline, some protoform "hatchlings," and a few unlucky Autotbot "donors," their aim is to create their own platoon and eventually take the fight back to Cybertron.
Scary! But cool, can't wait to read this. :)
Nice to know you're not taking after your mother, then.
HA! Slick comeback.
When does this come out, Mr. Mowry?
With any luck (seriously, what is up with the shipping lately?), January 6. This Wednesday.
Fascinating. Very fascinating.
I'd wager a voyager class figure would be made if Flatline made it into the toyline. I wouldn't mind having him as a figure.
Also, Mr. Mowry, can we assume this issue will retcon how the ROTF Autobots arrived on Earth?
Alliance said the troop of Arcee and her sisters, Sideswipe, and the Twins arrived on Earth at the same time; however, Tales of the Fallen has said Sideswipe arrived on his own.
I so a figure of flatline he looks really cool its also nice to know how arcee wound like that yay thundercracker is back
This one looks really interesting, can't wait to see it and I really like the art.
WOA! love that art! i consider myself in love with these histories of cybertronian in out of earth places bc they are in their original forms,and the backgrounds of each character are pretty good, i live in spain and here those comics don`t come so i buy them via web my lates adition was reign of starscream tradepaperback and u know why? mostly to have in my hands and see that art and some sketches at the end, i love so much those movie verse characters in their cybertronian original forms,Mr. C.M your hand is blessed! Congrats from madrid!
Collaboration "Mowry+Milne+Perez"=
WIN..WIN..WIN. Now, any chance for MORE..MORE..MORE? Here's hoping!!!
Canada says .."IDW--Pay Attention!"
Looking forward to this! Enjoyed Reign of Starscream and Defiance. Chris, do you have any more Transformers work on the horizon?
Originally, I wanted the Autobots to leave a beacon in that junkyard. Basically somewhere that they could land safely, scan a form, then meet up with the other Autobots. That was the only thing I could think of that would allow them to stay in vehicle form (we weren't allowed to show their robot forms yet), while also keeping them involved somewhat with the story. While I may have had an idea, it doesn't mean that any other writer necessarily needs to follow that. That would be up to the editors to decide.
@Anonymous from Madrid:
Thanks for the kind words, but Alex Milne is the artist on those books. I just wrote them. Alex has a great eye for detail and is always adding something new to his work. It's been a great pleasure working with him not only on these stories, but also on the characters. He's always got something cool to add to them.
@Anonymous and Graham Thomson:
Thank you very much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoy our work. I'm sure that Alex and Josh will be working on things in the future, but for Transformers, I'm afraid that currently, this is my last story. There may be other licenses that I will get involved with at IDW (or elsewhere), but currently I have no plans to continue on the TF license. I do have a few rough outlines for stories I wanted to tell that I'll end up sharing on this blog though, so stay tuned.
Well, you know I've been looking forward to this one! :D
BTW, I'm kind of amused just how many people have been like, "60s hearse/coroner's van Decepticon medic = must have toy". XD I think you tapped into some weird need in the fandom. (Not that I disagree with them, mind you...)
I know you have and I'm anxious to hear your thoughts. :)
I'm flattered by the reaction so far. I'd love to see him as a toy someday, but I'd prefer he earns it by getting some more "screen time" first!
Ack, that reminds me! Flareup or Elita-One?!
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