Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that (for most of us) TRANSFORMERS: LAST STAND OF THE WRECKERS #3 is on sale tomorrow (March 24)! Nick and James have really been wowing just about everyone, so make sure you pick this one up. I threw this thing together based on an idea Nick had, so as you can see, one of them isn't going to see Page 22.

So feel free to repost this image, and pass it along to as many people as you can. But most importantly, do yourself a favor and BUY THIS BOOK!


Jeysie said...

D: You two are evil! ...totally awesome, mind you, as the poster rocks, but still evil. *expects to undergo fangirl sobbage once her copy arrives in the mail*

lonegamer7 said...

Do you guys have stocks with clothing and housing? :D Explosions abound!

lonegamer7 said...

BTW, Chris! :D


Chris Mowry said...

Thanks! I was just going to post something about that! But thanks for your post on that very fine website!